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Africa’s First Super App

Moja combines in a single application the functionality of multiple apps.


Moja is a platform for flourishing—a complete ecosystem on a smartphone.

Moja is an enterprise engine that empowers entrepreneurs and consumers.

Moja Marketplace

Buy, Sell, Negotiate Securely


A Moja Score is the ultimate metric for measuring levels of trust among users. Positive reviews, successful transactions, and quick response rates are a few ways users build their Moja Score in the marketplace.

View storefront analytics and promote your business.

Negotiate with other storefront owners through quote requests.

Filter businesses by Moja Score, common connections, response rate, location, and more.

Moja University

Learn the Skills to Become a Successful Entrepreneur 


Certification metrics help build a sense of community in the educational environment.

Build your Moja Score as you complete certifications and courses.

On-site courses hosted at Moja Centers offer more personal learning opportunities.

Develop your skillset by earning certifications.

Moja Connect

Build a Trusted Network


Easily communicate with new connections.

Search for people
to connect with.

Keep in touch with friends and see their Moja Score progress.

Watch your network grow as you connect with more people.

Moja is a Network of Networks

Moja’s networks already total in excess of 30 million people.


Moja is an Evolving Platform

Moja will evolve to serve a growing, changing Africa

Africa is the World’s Most Dynamic Market

$1.4 Trillion in Consumer Spending by 2020


A Market for 21st-Century Technology


A Rapidly Growing E-Commerce Market


The World’s Fastest-Growing Consumer Class


A Hunger for Services and Solutions


A Young and Urbanizing Population


A Culture of Networking and Deal Making


Moja is a Platform for Everyone

Moja is for the underserved, the elite, and everyone in between.

Moja is a Thought Leader

We are thinkers and doers, philosophers and techies.


"Stranger Danger,” E-commerce, and the Digital Transmission of Trust

The Hustle recently published a piece about the sharing economy that opened with the story of Zhao Shuping


Doing Good While Doing Well

The technocratic world raises moral issues for which past ethics, geared to dealings amongst people within narrow geographical and temporal ranges, are no longer adequate in the digital age.

Conversation with a Contrarian: Based on Peter Thiel’s Zero to One

Peter Thiel’s questions below have been drawn from his 2014 book, Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future.

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Beneath the observable world, the world we can move and manipulate and steward, is another world, more basic, more fundamental.

© Moja Market LLC 2024

Accra, Ghana  •  Cape Town & Johannesburg, South Africa  •  Lusaka, Zambia  •  Grand Rapids, MI US 
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